
Democracy Unemployed

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Service Description

"Democracy Unemployed" is an initiative by the Kiaan Social Welfare Foundation that aims to address the challenges posed by unemployment and its impact on democratic values. In today's fast-paced and dynamic world, unemployment remains a pressing issue, depriving individuals of economic stability, dignity, and a sense of purpose.

Through this initiative, we strive to empower unemployed individuals with the necessary skills, training, and resources to secure gainful employment. By offering vocational training programs, job placement assistance, and entrepreneurship support, we aim to bridge the gap between job seekers and opportunities in the market.

Unemployment can also lead to various social and economic consequences, affecting mental health, family dynamics, and overall community well-being. Therefore, our initiative also focuses on providing social support, counseling, and financial aid to those affected by unemployment, fostering resilience and hope.

Moreover, "Democracy Unemployed" advocates for policies and reforms that promote job creation, fair labor practices, and inclusive economic growth. We believe that a strong democracy is built on the foundation of a thriving workforce and equal opportunities for all.

Through collaboration with private sectors, government agencies, and other NGOs, we work towards developing sustainable solutions that tackle unemployment and its repercussions on society. By promoting employment opportunities, we envision a society where every individual can actively participate in the democratic process, exercise their rights, and contribute to the betterment of the nation.

Join us in our commitment to combat unemployment, empower individuals, and strengthen democratic values. Together, we can create a future where no one is left behind, and every individual can actively contribute to the progress and prosperity of our nation. Let's unlock the potential of the unemployed and build a more inclusive and vibrant society.

Judges & Chief Guests


Benjie Alphonso


Marian Lenora


Harriat Ellizabeth


Herman Gordon

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